During form five, through my friend's introduction, from SGM (Soka Gakkai Malaysia), I was exposed to gymnastic. Every Sunday, I will be at Bukit Tambun Cultural Centre to have my gymnastic training and practice my faith. After I received an offer from UMS to study Sport Science, I left there. However, I continued my gymnastic practice in Likas Stadium guided by Billy. Billy was an ex-gymnast representative of Sabah State. I had performed 3 gymnastic performances in Sabah. In Padang Merdeka (2009 & 2010) for Hari Malaysia and SGM Youth Day at SGM Sabah (2011).
We strongly believe, by honestly expressing the real culture, can bring the peace to the community society, we are all volunteers.
Kay Jie (my bro) and Me.
Four Men Tour! For 50th Anniversary National Day. Lion Roar with Namyo Horenge Kyo.
This formation called 'four men spider'. This video was recorded during my training session. My team failed in the first place. However, through numerous practices, they managed to do during the event day amazingly. Congratulations!
My latest performance with my team members at Penang.
Lee Chien Khing (second left from the 4th row), is a second year Sport Science student, my junior. We strived the gymnastic formation successfully.
We try to bring out the significant meaning behind the performance.
They play roles as 'peace fighter' in the performance.
Hari Malaysia 2010 at Padang Merdeka.
This really can motivate people who seeing this video especially those youngsters. This process need a lot of co-orperation and hardwork to hit a good quality performance.